The snail is a framing device, a bridge joining outer appearance to hidden meaning, yet is spiralling form is also self-reflexive.
The snail is capable of activating a consciousness of conscious processes of perception and sign reading, it causes self-reflexivity, and hence the knight flees from the sight of it, for he can fight anything except himself.
It is a self-reflexive consciousness which activates the mechanism of this referral of the book to itself and supplies the occasion for the reflexivity generated within conscious- ness.
Creat- ing a diagram of the act of reading in a book is inherently self-reflex- ive in at least four ways.
"La mise en abyme," "ekphrasis", "metalepsis," "metafiction," "artistic self-reflexivity," "intersemiotic correspondence," "self-engulfment," hyper- narrative" and so on (Livingston 2003: 243).
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